Western light takes on a low arc in wintertime allowing desert shadows to reach out wide across canyons to embrace yet one range after another.
Erosional forms of the land along with historic routes, and places, the study of light, and structure, these are the things that interest me most, California painter Larry Iwerks, to create vistas in watercolor, oil, and acrylic paints. Along with the excitement of these travel moments, I am of course awed by the fantastic surface views of our world. To be in the presence of a mountain, and I wish to capture its visual image- then, in reflection time yields that I want to search deeper for a sense of care for the Land.
Through studies, I have subsequently found, that the study of Geology is fundamentally essential in Landscape Painting as it comes to the understanding of the various constructs of mesa, canyon, and mountain. And so, now to continue the research into botany, anatomy, and cloud studies to somehow put some meaning, and “real-ness” into a picture.
To paint it down, or attempt to say in words comes short as nature itself is a tough act to follow. So I thank you for having taken the time to view these paintings representing moments from various painting and geology adventures in the western states.
As important as I may have believed the personal making of paintings to be, my thrill in the recent discovery with groups and individuals is that of even greater fun is in the sharing with others the tools and concepts of how-to-paint, and get painting.
For information on future events, workshops, and painting-days-out-on-location. All ages and abilities welcome.
Suggested Bibliography
“The Art Spirit “ by Robert Henri
“Carlson’s Guide to Landscape Painting” by John F. Carlson
“Landscape Into Art” by Kenneth Clark
“Geologic History of Utah” by Lehi E. Hintze